Hey y'all, it's been a while but here's my first official post for
2015! Funny enough, it's my 2014 highlights. It's kind of late but I've
been really busy the past couple of weeks so here goes... Last year, I finished my fine art degree and exhibited 100 photographs
as my final exhibit. I then graduated in July, which was awesome!
Seriously, I couldn't have been any happier and relieved! No more
essays, cramming, all-nighters and unlimited cups of coffee. That said, I have yet to figure out what I want to do with my life.

Summer consisted mostly of staying in Paris as my boyfriend now works and lives there. My family also came to visit and we all got a chance to explore the city together and drop by Disneyland. After that, I pretty much just started working for my mom's business,
an online shop that sells craft supplies and kawaii stationery. My sister also moved to Belgium for an internship and has been staying there since September. We decided to spend Christmas in Paris with my boyfriend. It was so good, we had lots of fun, ate loads of food and enjoyed the festivities by the Champs-Élysées.
2014 was a good year for me but don't get me wrong, it wasn't all great, there were plenty of downs too but all in all, it was great! I'm actually really looking forward to 2015 and finding out what it has to offer. I hope everyone is enjoying the new year and I apologize for not posting anything in so long, life just got so hectic. Anyway, I will be posting a 'What I Got For Christmas' and '2015 Goals' after this. Yes, I am so behind, but oh well, that's me. x