Okay, I may be a tad bit late on this but hey, at least I'm posting! Aha. No seriously, I just never really bothered to go online all that much over the holidays and I've been slacking since then. So apologies for my 'Christmas' posts being a month overdue, I'm sure you'll understand. Hee! I'm such a cheeky monkey, aren't I? Or maybe not. Haha! Anyway, here are some photos I snapped when I went home in December.
I know everyone's posting photos of the snow all over their blogs at the moment. *I wish I was.* But don't worry, I'll get there, eventually. I really don't know why I was born such a procrastinator. You would have thought that by now, especially with it being a new year, I would have started to change and get my act together. Then again, old habits die hard. Next up, What I Wore and What I Got for Christmas! x
Pretty photos! x
I miss Christmas already with these photos :( and I can't wait for your next post hunny :) <3